Hello again,

I have have spent the last couple of days migrating some of the generic features from my personal project into a new template project which I have recently decided to make public.

It is by no means the best template ever made, but may I present to you the legendary

Upsilon’s Unity Top Down 2D RPG Template Project!

I still consider this an in-development project which will evolve throughout the next couple of months however I feel like it is at a good place at the moment for it to be published. It is intended to quicken up the process of creating a top down 2D unity game / prototype.

It currently features:

  • 2D Character Controller
  • Cinemachine Camera System
  • A* Pathfinding NPCs that can Roam, Patrol, and Pursue. (albeit a bit broken)
  • Inventory system (courtesy of PitilT on YouTube)
  • Very simple combat
  • Dialogue System
  • Player can be hurt and heal at campfires.
  • Basic TileMap
  • Basic User Interface
  • Hurt/Death voice lines made by yours truly xoxo

Find the project here!

License & Additional Credit

Due to the fact it does use code from a YouTube tutorial I have refrained from licensing this template (if I did it would be CC BY), however if you use this project please out of courtesy credit me and PitilT.


It would be discourteous for me to not mention that early in the stage of my personal project, and which code may have been transferred over, the AI ChatGPT craze occurred. While the vast majority (99%) of this code was written by me (or PitilT in regards of the inventory system) some of the smaller details such as some debugging may have been generated via AI.

I no longer support using AI for programming as it is a very slippery slope.

Perhaps this is something I should ramble about in a separate blog post?

Thank you, and goodnight - Tayler “Upsilon”
